Cultural Differences in Business Etiquette Throughout the World

We all know that throughout the world, business deals are a daily occurrence. But have you ever thought about etiquette rules when you do business in a different country? It might not seem like a big deal, but etiquette can show that you’re familiar with and have respect for the social norms of that country. The saying “when in Rome” has never been more important. From exchanging gifts, to dining with fellow businesspeople, there are a number examples of etiquette you should adhere to if you want your business meeting to be a success.…

How to Answer Business Calls Properly

There’s an absolute art to answering business phone calls properly. By now, most of us with any work experience at all know we can’t answer a professional call the way we would our friends and family. “Yeah, what’s up” just won’t cut it, if you’re looking to project a professional image. So, how then should business phone calls with customers be handled? Let’s dive into a few of the more important points in professional phone call answering etiquette we all need to be mindful of.…

The New Kid on the Block: How to Launch a Successful Business in Singapore

For western entrepreneurs and small business owners, Southeast Asia is the new land of opportunity. While markets in New York, London, and other big cities are now saturated with startups and tech ventures, countries like Singapore are just starting to flourish. If you are bold enough to make a move, there are many benefits to launching in this part of the world. Nevertheless, it can be a bit of a culture shock for those who do not take the time to learn a little first.…

International Business Etiquette: How to Work in Foreign Languages Without The Faux Pas

The ability to conduct business in a foreign country is becoming increasingly important to British businesses. Earlier this year, there were over 20,000 applications from UK businesses to export opportunities through the government’s Exporting is GREAT website. That’s a record number of UK businesses looking to work abroad. Although the opportunities are huge, conducting business internationally can also be fraught with cultural difficulties. Even something as simple as a greeting differs greatly depending on where you are and whose company you are in.…