Latest 5 Trends That Will Shape HR In 2020

2020 is officially right around the corner. With it, we can expect big changes in the world of Human Resources (HR). From filling the demand for new talent to fighting for diversity, there are a lot of changes on the horizon. The good news is that many of these trends are positive things that will drive the industry further into the future of innovation and progress. How will the trends of next year differ from what we’re all experiencing right now?…

5 Business Tips and Trends to Adopt for Growing Your Business

Running a successful business in any industry and sector requires a great deal of hard work, determination, sacrifice and resilience, which will each help to make a company a hit or a miss. Of course, there are other factors that can make or break the growth of your business. That is why you must keep your ear to the ground for the latest techniques. If you want to hit every goal you have set for your new venture this year, check out the following business tips and trends.…

The Business of Pets

In January of 2017, the Pet Industry Leadership Conference had its second gathering in Laguna Beach, California. There were product manufacturers, veterinary service providers, food manufacturers and hundreds of retailers gathered to swap ideas and best practices in the industry. The conference was presented by the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council. Dr. Terry Clower, a leader at the George Mason University’s School of Policy and Government, revealed the results of the economic impact of the pet industry. The study, funded by the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council and Pet Leadership Council, showed that it amounted to $221 billion in sales in 2015 with almost $23 billion in taxes for the state, local and federal levels.…

Banking Giant Claim Small Businesses in North West Cautiously Optimistic for 2013

A survey conducted by Lloyds TSB among smaller businesses in North West England suggests that confidence for the coming year could be on the rise. The banking group spoke to 110 companies in the region, and found that many of them believe that then situation in Europe and at home will improve. 42% of the businesses Lloyds spoke to said that they believe that orders over the first six months of 2013 will go up, while just 13% believe the opposite may be the most likely outcome.…