What a Merry Christmas Means to Me

Christmas has always been special to me for many reasons. One reason is due to the obvious fact that I am a Christian and I love and loved by Jesus. Another reason is the fact that I spend every Christmas and New Year looking back what I personally and professionally have been through throughout the year, as well as planning for new goals and targets to fight for past the New Year.

Merry Christmas 2012

Yes, my family and I are not the shopping-spree-kinda-family. Most of the times, Christmas felt festive, but it’s just like our normal day. I work at home – so practically I am with my family the whole time 🙂

No, don’t get me wrong – we are not that kinda boring family 🙂 We normally go on vacations, but what matters most is for me to give thanks to the Lord, because without Him I won’t be here today.

I am a born-again Christian. I am lost many times like a bad puppy. But I always go back to my Master, because He knows me and I know His voice. Yes, Christians are just like anybody else – we can rise and fall many times. What differentiates us from the rest is that we know the fact that in every up and down, He is always be there for us.

Indeed, ’tis the season to be jolly! I would like to share you what a Merry Christmas means to me and I hope I can inspire you with a thing or two from what I share… so, here is 5 of many reasons why I am thankful in every Christmas…

1. My mother and father-in-law were experiencing potentially life-threatening accidents – they are now alive and well. Miracles do still happen today!

2. I was near bankruptcy, losing 2 franchise units. With borrowed money from my parents, I learn and build an online business from scratch. I even don’t know what WordPress is at that time… today – still far from the so-called success – I can support my family 100% from my online income.

3. I changed business model several times due to potentially-fatal changes coincidentally initiated by Google. This year is, unfortunately, also the same, and I’m confident I can get through the storm.

4. I’m glad I have met some nice people online, from whom I can learn a great deal. It’s always a bit lonely doing something not many people do it (make money online, running web business, location independent.)

5. I should never, ever rant or whine, saying, “why is this happening to me?” because everything I have today is God’s gift; because every time I fall I can pick up the pieces quickly and move on; because when things go awry, God always gives me solutions, just in time.

What are you thankful for?

So, what are you grateful of this Christmas? Please share yours by leaving a comment on this post…