How to Start an Online Business in 24 Hours

Starting out online is not a lengthy process like offline counterparts. You can start a brand new online business in just a day – and faster for your second, third, and so on. Here’s how. Unless you are building an online business with millions of dollars in investment, building one using bootstrapping strategies and tactics will cost you significantly less, often less than $50. And believe it or not, it’s not as difficult as you think. A prerequisite: Understanding how HTML, PHP/MySQL, web development and make money online work.…

How Financial Institutions Can Ensure Cybersecurity

Bank robberies are arguably the oldest crimes in the world. Things have changed from blazing guns to the thieves quietly sitting behind computer screens, using sophisticated software to clean out bank accounts. In a sense, bank robberies with guns were easier to prevent, and all that was needed then was physical security. However, with cybercrime, it is much harder to mitigate the risks as you are fighting an unseen enemy. How can financial institutions stay protected? Financial institutions can take several steps toward the prevention of cybercrime by preventing the loss of client data, funds, and company reputation.…

8 Tools To Help You Create Better Content

Creating great content is an art; it takes time, effort, and lots of research. But to succeed online, you just have to do it. So, you spend hours perfecting titles, subheads and custom images to target the right audience, spread the word about your business and outrank your competition in the SERPs. We’re here to tell you you don’t have to do it all on your own. Thankfully, there are plenty of tools to help you speed up and improve your process.…

4 of the Best PPC Keyword Research Tools You Need in Your Arsenal

Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most profitable digital advertising strategies today, but to succeed with your PPC campaign, you must first perform proper keyword research, which is a combination of science and art. Grouping and organizing your keywords will enhance your PPC strategy, allowing you to create relevant high-quality ads, and landing pages. This is crucial because text ads must be relevant to the keywords you’ll be bidding on to earn high ‘Quality Scores,’ which is the most important factor that determines your cost-per-click (CPC) and the placement of your ads (as used on well-known paid advertising platforms like Google AdWords, CPL One, Bing Ads, etc.).…

Overcoming Burnout: Solopreneurs Need to Learn the Art of Automation

The life of a solopreneur is a constant juggling act. There’s only one person running the show, so everything falls on you—from creating the product itself, to marketing and advertising it. If you want your business to succeed, you need to jump at every opportunity to grow. But there are only so many hours in a day, and you’re already working long nights. It’s no wonder so many solopreneurs struggle with burnout. You can’t “work less” or your idea won’t get off the ground.…

5 Restaurant Technology Trends Not to Miss

In the last few years, the world has made tremendous progress in the field of technology. Every industry is leveraging its benefits, and the food and beverage industry is booming. From gathering and analyzing the big data to understand the behavior of diners to streamlining the entire restaurant operation management, technology has been a big influencer in the restaurant business. f you’re a restaurant business owner and wish to take your business to the next level and offer a personalized diner experience, you need to make friends with technology.…

The Best Way Forward: 4 Compelling Reasons Why Cloud-Based Technology is Right for Your Business

No matter how large or small your business is, every company has the same goal: to turn as much of a profit as possible. Cloud-based technology has made this goal possible for today’s business owners now more than ever. With innovative cloud-based alternatives, you can cut overhead while still ensuring quality products, increase productivity, and so much more. In fact, these 4 reasons state compelling arguments as to why cloud-based technology and your business are the perfect fit. 4 Benefits of Cloud-Based Technology Whether your end game is saving money or making your programs easily accessible from remote locations, cloud-based technology is a smart choice.…

Working from Home: How to Secure your Home Network

The COVID-19 pandemic is real. But instead of living in anxiety and feeling depressed, we need to make the most of the situation. For example, the situation has provided us with the opportunity to stay home – and focus on what’s important. Indeed, many countries from around the world are in a near-complete shutdown at present to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. At this crossroads, in addition to finding valuable time for our family, most of us tend to spend a lot of our time on the Internet.…

Could Workplace Stress Levels be Reduced by The Power of Technology?

Whilst too much time in front of our screens can increase the risk of depression and anxiety, technology can also have positive outcomes on our mental wellbeing too. Many us will be familiar and fond of clever apps like Headspace, Calm and Stop, Breathe & Think which can offer support with a number of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. The biggest cause of stress amongst UK adults is their place of work, as revealed by studies from Perkbox.…

Digital Success: How to Increase your Site’s Visibility

Over the last few years, the internet has become a popular platform for many people to express their views and share their thoughts through blogs. However, you may find that it can be rather difficult to cut through the noise amongst a sea of internet users. This is why we wanted to provide you with this piece, with expert blogging insight from Click Consult, on what you can do to improve the visibility of your site. While content is a core factor for your site to be successful, with an estimated of 1.7 billion websites, it is important that you also create a strategy that would maximise the chances of people finding your content or site on Search Engine Page Results (SERPs).…