5 Practical Tips on Reducing Startup Failure Risks

This question must be in every entrepreneur’s mind: How to reduce my startup’s failure risks? It’s a common question popping out of your mind (if this is not on your mind, well, it should!) and it’s the number one concern of every entrepreneur. Well, no worries – because from this blog post I would like to offer you some practical tips on how to reduce your startup failure risks. We do know that startups are prone to failure. It’s a no brainer.…

How to Fake Your Way to Online Business Success

I always love reading business blogs whose bloggers post income report every month. Why? They give me carrots to chase; dream to pursue; a future to hope for. I believe it’s possible to be like them – even try to do better than them. However some people just do it wrong: They want shortcuts. And just like anything else in life, shortcuts come with risks. Did you know why roads on mountains have so many turns? Well, if you made them a straight line, it would be too steep; no vehicle will be able to “climb” the steep road.…

How Many More Scammers Will You Trust for Business Advice?

No, this blog post is not about my rant how someone tricks me into believing him/her. Instead, this blog post is about how I choose to follow the entrepreneurial journey of only a select few of entrepreneurs – so you don’t have to trust the wrong person for business advice. Interested in finding the right business mentor? Let’s read on! First thing first: Why you need a business mentor Good business mentors can share you their know-how about the industry; about the nitty-gritty of running a business; about the lifestyle; about the expectations; about everything, really.…

How to Start a Successful Business Blog and Enjoy Your Financial Independence

I’m sure you have read about my tips on how to establish an authority business blog… well, if you haven’t you might want to read that first because it will give you a reason or two why you should build a business blog – not just a biz blog, but a reputable and authoritative one. But no worries – you can always do so later on (promise me you will read that, will ya?) Now, let’s assume you are reading this blog post because you want for your business blog to support your living expenses – even better – give you financial independence.…

What a Smartphone and QR Code can Offer Your Retail Store: Learn from Homeplus Virtual Store

Okay, okay – you might answer “it’s easy, you moron! Scan a QR Code and you’ll get the retail store’s contact info, web address or special promo” Well, you are right – but that’s what MOST stores incorporating QR codes do. Homeplus is an example of a company which takes things a few steps further (or closer?) Read on to find out… If you want breakthrough to your small business, you should go for the mainstream ways. You should do things differently.…

Why You should Have a Mobile App for Your Small Business and How to Build One

As a small business owner, you should always find a way to make your business easier to be found by customers. One of the best ways to do it is via a mobile app developed specifically for your small biz. Sure, brochures, flyers, and swags still work out pretty well, but they are somewhat losing their effectiveness. Why? Because the trends say that you need to deliver your messages in the most convenient ways for your customers and prospects. Having a website is a must.…

How I Failed My Authority Business Blog: 7 Lessons Learned

Failure is the best teacher. I embrace it as a part of my entrepreneurial journey, but some failures are difficult to overcome. One of them is how I single-handedly bring my authority business blog down to the ground. Lessons learned, and if you are going to build an authority business blog – or even already have an established one, be sure you read this blog post before it’s all too late. As you might have already known, Biz Penguin is not my first blog.…

Kick Information Overload Away: How to Get Your Business Online Resources Sorted

Did you know the most unproductive things many business people do? Reading articles after articles from countless sources – just to stay ahead of the trend of the day. Don’t get me wrong – biz people NEED to tap into the industry trends. However, too much information can be counter-productive. Want an example? Me. I have a daily battle with the so-called information overload. I regularly start my day with checking emails, as most of my contacts and updates I subscribe to are coming into my email inboxes.…

Give Me 5 Minutes and I’ll Give You the Secret to Blogging for Your Company

It’s the truth: I’m a lousy blogger-slash-article-writer. I don’t really like writing and my words are often poorly formed. But why I blog? Why people read my blog? I have this secret that can help you establish and run a small business blog that is actually bringing in leads and clients for your company – even if you are a not a born writer/blogger. Just give me 5 minutes of your time – that’ll do 🙂 image inspired by Stickman Pushing MacBook decal.…

50 Percent of Small Business Expenses are Created on The Go: Cost Cutting Tips Inside

Are you looking long and hard at your small business expenses report, wondering why your small business is barely survive last month – and still can’t get the answer? This blog post can give you one or two areas you can focus on and start solving your cash shortage issues almost immediately. It’s official: You can cut your small business costs easily by taking care one, single area that has the biggest impact on your total expenses. Can you guess? It’s your ‘on the go’ business expenses.…