How to Stand Out From The Bulk Distribution Crowd

Distribution isn’t just about getting from A to B in as quick a time as possible, like a real life variation on Crazy Taxi. As with any type of service, you’re not only distributing speedily. You’re also trying to move goods with the kind of panache usually reserved for tailors at Saville Row.

Because, let’s face it – there’s realistically very little to differentiate one bulk distribution company from the other, at least on a surface level. On the face of it, every company is basically offering incredibly similar looking metal containers, each attached to trucks that look the same as they always have.

Bulk distribution

Standing out from the crowd, then, is a major advantage in an industry that constantly runs the risk of becoming homogenised.

With that in mind, we’ve come up with a few ways to help your bulk distribution look far superior to its competitors. Take a look.

Fighting fire

It might not seem likely that a fire will break out in one of your containers, but the likelihood can be high if you’re carting around corrosive or combustible chemicals or machine parts.

And yet many companies vie for a bog standard container with about as much fire protection as a shack made of matches.

But many companies can create a fire proof vault which can be stored inside your containers and ensure that your cargo doesn’t become a fiery mess while being transported.

Stay frosty

Maintaining frozen goods is a specialist (and costly) art that, as an extra service, can really give you an edge over your competitors. While it’s a little more costly to maintain these advanced containers, it’ll also give you a little extra cash and could help you secure contracts with major supermarket chains or abattoirs.

Purchase a few storage containers that can adequately freeze goods and you’ll be rolling in extra cash for your business.

Cold storage truck
photo credit: Richard Says / Flickr

Get down to the docks

In this business, building special relationships with the right clients is vital to staying afloat. And international trade is one of the most profitable ways to help your company make a name for itself.

To bolster your reputation in the international trade business, it’s a good idea to develop a few contacts in the shipping market. No matter what you’re planning on sending overseas, you might be able to enjoy better rates and gain priority on busy ships.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the reality of owning a storage container business. If you’ve got any more ideas about how to stand out from the crowd, let us know.