Preserving Your Brand’s Reputation During Crisis: 3 Ways

Every business in the world has its up and downs. Be that slow sales, losing a key staff member to a competitor or receiving negative feedback, but it’s not the situation that will affect your business, it’s the way she problem is dealt with. Having some sort of contingency plan for every single possible scenario is nigh impossible but you can take steps to negate the effects of a business upset (or even disaster!) with a well-planned crisis management plan.

Although you can put certain measures in places to cover any periods of unexpected sickness or a drop in profits, you cannot really be expected to have a plan in place for potentially serious issues. This is where specialists offers programs like Insignia crisis management plans are really worth their weight in gold.

Crisis management planner

A crisis management plan contain, amongst other things depending on your business function, the following:

1. IT Meltdown

An IT meltdown, hacking or a major malfunction of hardware and software is a nightmare for the 21st century business. Aside from the obvious massive inconvenience, there is also the risk of losing crucial, potentially sensitive material.

Having your system infiltrated by a hacker with ill intent can posssibly cost millions and your excellent reputation as well, so a well-planned crisis management strategy is essential.

2. Bad Publicity

Gone are the days when negativity about a company’s products or services were spread by word of mouth and the reaction time wasn’t crucial. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, bad news spreads faster than a speeding bullet and the worst thing is, the bad news might not even be necessarily true.

A reputation management expert will be able to give you both the tools and advice you need to negate any long-standing negative impact upon your business and hopefully help you return to normal.

3. Natural Disasters

Okay, so you may not run your business from an area that is prone to serious disasters like hurricanes or bushfires, but you still need to be prepared for the unexpected. Severe storms do occasionally hit the country. At the end of the day, it is down to pure luck whether you are in the eye of the storm or not.

You need to ask yourself, what would you do if your office suffered severe storm damage or flooding and you were unable to function as normal? What would you tell your clients? A company that specialises in crisis management plans would also have a backup plan so your business could continue, at least at a less than optimum level.

Business people having meeting


As previously mentioned, it’s not necessarily the crisis that can cause the most damage to a business’s reputation but how it’s dealt with. Engaging the services of an experienced and competent crisis management planning company might be an investment you won’t get monetary return on. However, in a worst case scenario, you’ll be glad you took the time and spent the money to put the crisis management plan in place.