4 Ways to Declutter Your Home Office to Boost Your Productivity

The days when many mothers had no choice but to go back to work after they had a baby are long gone. From publishing books on Amazon to blogging or becoming a virtual assistant, there are many options out there to still bring in money and be able to stay home with your children at the same time. However, many work-at-home moms don’t realize that productivity can reach an all-time low when the baby won’t sleep, office clutter is building up, and work is getting behind.…

5 Ways to Improve the Safety of Your Home Office

Your home is your haven, and your home office is an integral part of it. If you want to improve the safety of your home office, you need to make sure your entire house is as safe as possible. Whether you’re living alone, with a partner or have a whole family to take care of – small kids and all – then you need to take it upon yourself to provide a safe space for everyone living there, while ensuring that your business operations aren’t disrupted.…

6 Steps to Set Up a Work from Home Program for Your Company

A good work-from-home program can save your company money, boost employee productivity and morale, and act as a perk to help you attract great talent. But to be effective, your program needs to have enough structure to keep your staff on task and bring out their best work without supervision, and it needs to have some elements to help you stay on top of employee performance. Here are some steps to help you create a well-developed, flexible work-at-home program. 1. Hash Out Eligibility Which staff members will be eligible to work from home and which will need to stay in the office?…

5 Tips for Getting the Home Office you Want (Using Home Loans)

Buying your dream home office can be fun and exciting, but getting the funds for it is completely the opposite. Even though there are financing companies that offer simple and easy home loans, it is usually stressing and complicated, especially at first. The good thing is that it doesn’t have to be, as there are things you can do to speed-up and streamline the process. Here are the things you should remember when you are applying for your first home loan: 1.…

How to Grow your Business Beyond your Home Office

There are many benefits to growing your small business beyond your home office. Having a professional office space instantly boosts your business credibility and will hopefully attract bigger and better clients. Below are some top tips for growing your business – whenever you are ready to go to the next level: Find a suitable office space Moving out from your home office can be daunting. Looking for office space which is affordable, suitable and relatively close to your home is tricky.…