The Journey from Solopreneur to CEO

Starting a business often begins as a solo endeavor, with a passionate individual determined to turn their vision into reality. These fearless pioneers are known as solopreneurs. However, the journey from solopreneurship to becoming a CEO of a thriving company is a remarkable transformation that requires careful planning, strategic decisions, and a growth-oriented mindset. In this article, we will explore the steps and strategies to navigate this entrepreneurial evolution. Defining Solopreneurship Solopreneurs are individuals who launch and run their businesses single-handedly.…

Do You Have Reasons NOT to Go Solo?

In my career life I have changed many paths: I have been independent and I have been employed and I have been both at the same time. What are the benefits of going solo? Sure, there is security in knowing for sure where your next paycheck is coming from and how much it will be. Plus the comforts of a safety net if something goes wrong, with a company’s team of lawyers and HR department meant to keep you safe from any disputes.…

5 Reasons Why Independent Business Owners should Join Biznik

Okay, I’ve had it! I thought I won’t get spammed on LinkedIn, but I eventually realise one thing: If you are networking using free social sites, do expect some “noise.” I think I will re-focus my networking endeavour to another social network I should use more often: Biznik – a social networking for independent business owners. Please note, I am not affiliated with Biznik. I am a Biznik user who thinks that it can offer you more than the typical benefits you receive from Facebook and LinkedIn.…

How to Turn Your Solopreneurial Dream into Reality

Fed up of corporate world? Getting fired? Want to turn your passion into a real business? For whatever reasons you may have, solopreneurship often comes up as an answer. However, here’s the cold, hard truth. It’s not for everyone. Some who have embarked in to the journey were giving up and went back into the corporate world. The blog post you are reading right now is my attempt to help you turn your dream into reality. Okay, let’s do it, shall we?…